The opinions expressed here are personal and do not necessarily match VnExpress's viewpoints.

Some people spend most of their time at work for $3K monthly salary

To make money to support their families, many people consider their company their home. They do not dare to look for lighter jobs because their family living standards would have to decrease with a lower income.
READERS' VIEWS June 29, 2024 | 07:02 am GMT+7

How much does one need to prepare for old age?

From the age of 90 to 100, the cost of taking care of my father's health was about VND1 billion (US$39,300), while his pension was only VND4.3 million.
READERS' VIEWS June 25, 2024 | 07:12 am GMT+7

Two neighbors keep 7 cats to torture me

Every day when I come home from work, as soon as I open the door, I feel nauseous because the smell from my neighbors' house blows straight in with the wind.
READERS' VIEWS June 22, 2024 | 09:41 am GMT+7

Ho Chi Minh City public buses need to stop apologizing

I couldn't help but laugh, yet I felt a pang of sadness at the sight of a public bus in Ho Chi Minh City with the words "Sorry for disturbing you when entering and exiting stations" painted on its rear exterior.
READERS' VIEWS June 20, 2024 | 06:42 am GMT+7

Vietnam's plan to attract 35 million international tourists is impossible without drastic measures

Vietnam has set out plans to receive 35 million international tourists by 2030, up from 12.6 million last year, which readers called a grandiose plan that needs strong actions.
READERS' VIEWS June 18, 2024 | 06:10 am GMT+7

Vietnam should follow Japan's lessons to fix its obesity problem

Vietnam can learn from Japan's approach to tackling obesity by promoting healthy eating habits, and encouraging physical activity from a young age, readers said.
READERS' VIEWS June 15, 2024 | 06:50 am GMT+7

The only issue with Vietnam's tourism is visa approval time

Visa hassle is the biggest problem, if not the only, that discourages tourists from coming and returning to Vietnam, according to readers.
READERS' VIEWS June 13, 2024 | 06:27 am GMT+7

Why I choose to rent in downtown HCMC despite owning a house in the suburbs

I own a house in the suburbs, but I decided to rent it out and use the income to rent a place in downtown Ho Chi Minh City.
READERS' VIEWS June 11, 2024 | 06:12 am GMT+7

Restaurant prioritizes foreigners even though I arrive 10 minutes earlier

I decided to leave after a restaurant prioritized serving a group of foreigners who arrived 10 minutes later.
READERS' VIEWS June 8, 2024 | 07:53 am GMT+7

Cash or transfer? It might be an age thing

Cash is quick and easy, but digital payments will be the future trend and vendors should adapt to keep their young customers, according to readers.
READERS' VIEWS June 6, 2024 | 07:54 am GMT+7

Trash, overpricing, visa restrictions: What hold Vietnam's tourism back

Vietnam can uplift tourism with strong actions to end street littering, overpricing and ease visa restrictions, readers said.
READERS' VIEWS June 4, 2024 | 09:33 am GMT+7

After years living in the suburbs to save costs, I rushed back downtown

I initially moved to the suburbs to save on rent, but the daily 35 km commute left me too exhausted to enjoy my life at home.
READERS' VIEWS June 1, 2024 | 07:18 am GMT+7

My boss's poor jokes make me feel harassed

Every time I enter my boss's room to give him some documents, he would say: "How come you're so pretty!"
READERS' VIEWS May 28, 2024 | 03:03 pm GMT+7

Constant struggles with traffic jams and flooding make me doubt the value of Saigon life

As Ho Chi Minh City entered the rainy season, I've been facing a daily ordeal of heavy rain, traffic jams, and flooding.
READERS' VIEWS May 25, 2024 | 02:00 pm GMT+7

Is it worth spending billions studying abroad only to earn peanuts?

Looking at families who send their children to study abroad, I wonder if they think it is a sound investment.
READERS' VIEWS May 23, 2024 | 02:48 pm GMT+7
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